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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2019-02-02 01:05:34 |  访问:10141



课题组负责人黄继武教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、ieee fellow、广东省网络与信息安全省部产学研创新联盟理事长,曾获得国家自然科学二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第一),曾任ieee trans. on information forensics and security等国际著名期刊ae。
















prof. jiwu huang's research group media security lab shenzhen university shenzhen, china

openings for postdoc in multimedia processing

1. background

you are welcome to join prof. jiwu huang's group (http://media-sec.szu.edu.cn/). the researches in the group focus on multimedia security and processing with good research environment. the projects in the group include national 973 program, nsfc project, and r&d project of local governments. the current research group includes 7 faculties (4 with oversea background), and 6 postdocs.

2. research interests

multimedia forensics and security, image/audio/videosignal processing,datahiding, video surveillance, pattern recognition, deep learning, computer vision, information security, wireless network security.

3. salary

for post-docs, the salary will be no less thanrmb 300,000 (~us$43k) per year after tax.both chinese and international candidatesare welcome. additional bonus will be granted if the candidate publishes articles on highly reputable journals during the postdoc period.

4. location

shenzhen university (http://www.szu.edu.cn/2014/en/) is located at core area of shenzhen city (http://english.sz.gov.cn/gi/201408/t20140813_2545229.htm), which neighbors hong kong and is one of the most modern metropolises in china. it is also a major financial center in southern china. the city is home to the shenzhen stock exchange as well as the headquarters of numerous home grown multinational high-tech companies such as tencent, huawei, dji, byd and beijing genomics institute.

5. contacts

for the interested candidates, please email your detailed cv to prof. jiwu huang:jwhuang@szu.edu.cn;

推荐:更多 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


【 责任编辑:高校小招 】





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